2 minute read  •  Endeavour Foundation

The great voyage to unlocking independence

The Great Voyage

Standing on the beach in Noosa, looking over the horizon, you will be welcomed with a gentle breeze and a sense of peace. You may even catch a glimpse of sails gliding across the waves, guided by the local Endeavour Foundation Learning and Lifestyle hub

For many, sailing not only connects people with nature's elements, fostering a deep appreciation for the environment but it also promotes teamwork and communication.

With this in mind, you will understand why participants at the Noosa Learning and Lifestyle hub are bustling to begin their voyage. Their journey is one towards independence, finding a sense of belonging and self-confidence.

Jason and Zak in particular look forward to their Thursday activity, both young men who love the ocean air and being on the water. 

Next Thursday

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Thanks to our fantastic partnership with the local sailing club, each participant is learning the ropes under the expert guidance of qualified sailing instructors.

“I’m going on the red boat, and I’m gonna have a lovely, lovely day – and get wet!” Jason said.

Excitement dancing across his eyes Zak declared, “I’m going to have the best day ever.”

Both young men suited up in their safety gear and swiftly made their way to the boats, spending the rest of their Thursday on the water. 

Over the next few months, the group will hone their skills. At the end, skills will be put to the test, where they will show off their new-found sailing skills and enjoy a BBQ celebration.

It’s thanks to your support that Jason and Zak continue to work towards their goals and achieve their dreams.

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